Creative Non-fiction (Canadian Submissions ONLY)

This form is for "Canadian writers." Please use this form if you live within Canadian territories and provinces, or are a Canadian resident who lives overseas. Since our eligibility for national and local grants depends on a majority of our published content being Canadian, we kindly request that only Canadian writers use this form.


Room Magazine invites you to submit your writing to our Issue 48.2, edited by Lena Belova, alongside Assistant Editor Nara Monteiro, and Shadow Editors Claire Diamant and Natasha Gauthier. The writing in this issue can be on any theme, and our editors are excited to weave together disparate and contrasting works, as well as stitch supportive threads that we may find inside the contest-winning pieces that will be included in this issue alongside submissions.  

Submissions open August 14th and will be accepted on a rolling basis until we reach our submissions limit.  



  • Your entry must be original and unpublished (in print or online)
  • We accept submissions upto 3500 words. Longer submissions will be rejected automatically.
  • Please submit in 12 point font. Times New Roman preferred but not required. 
  • We gladly accept simultaneous submissions. If another publication accepts your work for publication, please notify us and withdraw your piece immediately.
  • Please do not send a second submission in the same genre until you have heard back from us considering the first one (Note: You may enter our contests and submit a regular submission at the same time so long as the materials are different.)
We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.